Resurgence (PY2022)
Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
This is the complete list of members for DiffDriveKinematics, including all inherited members.
DiffDriveKinematics(double wheelBaseWidth) | DiffDriveKinematics | explicit |
ensureWithinWheelSpeedLimit(PreferredVelPreservation preferred, double xVel, double thetaVel, double maxWheelSpeed) const | DiffDriveKinematics | |
getLocalPoseUpdate(const wheelvel_t &wheelVel, double dt) const | DiffDriveKinematics | |
getNextPose(const wheelvel_t &wheelVel, const navtypes::pose_t &pose, double dt) const | DiffDriveKinematics | |
getPoseUpdate(const wheelvel_t &wheelVel, double heading, double dt) const | DiffDriveKinematics | |
PreferredVelPreservation enum name | DiffDriveKinematics | |
robotVelToWheelVel(double xVel, double thetaVel) const | DiffDriveKinematics | |
wheelVelToRobotVel(double lVel, double rVel) const | DiffDriveKinematics |