Resurgence (PY2022)
Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
Mat Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Mat:
Collaboration diagram for Mat:

Public Member Functions

 Mat (int rows, int cols, int type)
 Mat (Size size, int type)
 Mat (int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar &s)
 Mat (Size size, int type, const Scalar &s)
 Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type)
 Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type)
 Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, const Scalar &s)
 Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type, const Scalar &s)
 Mat (const Mat &m)
 Mat (int rows, int cols, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
 Mat (Size size, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
 Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, void *data, const size_t *steps=0)
 Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type, void *data, const size_t *steps=0)
 Mat (const Mat &m, const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange=Range::all())
 Mat (const Mat &m, const Rect &roi)
 Mat (const Mat &m, const Range *ranges)
 Mat (const Mat &m, const std::vector< Range > &ranges)
 Mat (const std::vector< _Tp > &vec, bool copyData=false)
 Mat (const std::initializer_list< _Tp > list)
 Mat (const std::initializer_list< int > sizes, const std::initializer_list< _Tp > list)
 Mat (const std::array< _Tp, _Nm > &arr, bool copyData=false)
 Mat (const Vec< _Tp, n > &vec, bool copyData=true)
 Mat (const Matx< _Tp, m, n > &mtx, bool copyData=true)
 Mat (const Point_< _Tp > &pt, bool copyData=true)
 Mat (const Point3_< _Tp > &pt, bool copyData=true)
 Mat (const MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > &commaInitializer)
 Mat (const cuda::GpuMat &m)
 Mat (Mat &&m)
void addref ()
MatadjustROI (int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)
void assignTo (Mat &m, int type=-1) const
_Tp & at (int i0=0)
const _Tp & at (int i0=0) const
_Tp & at (int row, int col)
const _Tp & at (int row, int col) const
_Tp & at (int i0, int i1, int i2)
const _Tp & at (int i0, int i1, int i2) const
_Tp & at (const int *idx)
const _Tp & at (const int *idx) const
_Tp & at (const Vec< int, n > &idx)
const _Tp & at (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const
_Tp & at (Point pt)
const _Tp & at (Point pt) const
MatIterator_< _Tp > begin ()
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > begin () const
int channels () const
int checkVector (int elemChannels, int depth=-1, bool requireContinuous=true) const
Mat clone () const CV_NODISCARD
Mat col (int x) const
Mat colRange (int startcol, int endcol) const
Mat colRange (const Range &r) const
void convertTo (OutputArray m, int rtype, double alpha=1, double beta=0) const
void copySize (const Mat &m)
void copyTo (OutputArray m) const
void copyTo (OutputArray m, InputArray mask) const
void create (int rows, int cols, int type)
void create (Size size, int type)
void create (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type)
void create (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type)
Mat cross (InputArray m) const
void deallocate ()
int depth () const
Mat diag (int d=0) const
double dot (InputArray m) const
size_t elemSize () const
size_t elemSize1 () const
bool empty () const
MatIterator_< _Tp > end ()
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > end () const
void forEach (const Functor &operation)
void forEach (const Functor &operation) const
UMat getUMat (AccessFlag accessFlags, UMatUsageFlags usageFlags=USAGE_DEFAULT) const
MatExpr inv (int method=DECOMP_LU) const
bool isContinuous () const
bool isSubmatrix () const
void locateROI (Size &wholeSize, Point &ofs) const
MatExpr mul (InputArray m, double scale=1) const
 operator Matx< _Tp, m, n > () const
 operator std::array< _Tp, _Nm > () const
 operator std::vector< _Tp > () const
 operator Vec< _Tp, n > () const
Mat operator() (Range rowRange, Range colRange) const
Mat operator() (const Rect &roi) const
Mat operator() (const Range *ranges) const
Mat operator() (const std::vector< Range > &ranges) const
Matoperator= (const Mat &m)
Matoperator= (const MatExpr &expr)
Matoperator= (const Scalar &s)
Matoperator= (Mat &&m)
void pop_back (size_t nelems=1)
ucharptr (int i0=0)
const ucharptr (int i0=0) const
ucharptr (int row, int col)
const ucharptr (int row, int col) const
ucharptr (int i0, int i1, int i2)
const ucharptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) const
ucharptr (const int *idx)
const ucharptr (const int *idx) const
ucharptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx)
const ucharptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const
_Tp * ptr (int i0=0)
const _Tp * ptr (int i0=0) const
_Tp * ptr (int row, int col)
const _Tp * ptr (int row, int col) const
_Tp * ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2)
const _Tp * ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) const
_Tp * ptr (const int *idx)
const _Tp * ptr (const int *idx) const
_Tp * ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx)
const _Tp * ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const
void push_back (const _Tp &elem)
void push_back (const Mat_< _Tp > &elem)
void push_back (const std::vector< _Tp > &elem)
void push_back (const Mat &m)
void push_back_ (const void *elem)
void release ()
void reserve (size_t sz)
void reserveBuffer (size_t sz)
Mat reshape (int cn, int rows=0) const
Mat reshape (int cn, int newndims, const int *newsz) const
Mat reshape (int cn, const std::vector< int > &newshape) const
void resize (size_t sz)
void resize (size_t sz, const Scalar &s)
Mat row (int y) const
Mat rowRange (int startrow, int endrow) const
Mat rowRange (const Range &r) const
MatsetTo (InputArray value, InputArray mask=noArray())
size_t step1 (int i=0) const
MatExpr t () const
size_t total () const
size_t total (int startDim, int endDim=INT_MAX) const
int type () const
void updateContinuityFlag ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Mat diag (const Mat &d)
static MatExpr eye (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr eye (Size size, int type)
static MatAllocator * getDefaultAllocator ()
static MatAllocator * getStdAllocator ()
static MatExpr ones (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr ones (Size size, int type)
static MatExpr ones (int ndims, const int *sz, int type)
static void setDefaultAllocator (MatAllocator *allocator)
static MatExpr zeros (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr zeros (Size size, int type)
static MatExpr zeros (int ndims, const int *sz, int type)

Public Attributes

MatAllocator * allocator
int cols
const uchardataend
const uchardatalimit
const uchardatastart
int dims
int flags
int rows
MatSize size
MatStep step
UMatData * u

Protected Member Functions

void forEach_impl (const Functor &operation)

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