Resurgence (PY2022)
Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
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util Namespace Reference

A collection of utility functions and classes with common use-cases. More...


class  AsyncTask
 An abstract class that can be overridden to run long-running tasks and encapsulate task-related data. More...
class  latch
 Implementation of a countdown latch for threading synchronization. More...
class  PeriodicScheduler
 Uses a single thread to periodically invoke callbacks at a given frequency. More...
class  PeriodicTask
 Implements a task that executes a function periodically. More...
class  RAIIHelper
 A helper class for executing a function when leaving a scope, in RAII-style. More...
class  ScopedTimer
 A utility class that helps with timing. More...
class  Watchdog
 Implements a thread-safe watchdog. More...


using json = nlohmann::json
using val_t = json::value_t
using dseconds = std::chrono::duration<double, std::chrono::seconds::period>


std::string to_string (control::DriveMode mode)
bool almostEqual (double a, double b, double threshold=1e-6)
 Check if two numbers are approximately equal.
std::string to_string< bool > (const bool &val)
 Converts a boolean to a string.
frozen::string freezeStr (const std::string &str)
 Convert the given std::string to a frozen::string.
template<typename K, typename V>
std::unordered_set< K > keySet (const std::unordered_map< K, V > &input)
 Get the keys of the given map.
template<typename T>
std::string to_string (const T &val)
 Convert the given value to a string.
std::string to_string< bool > (const bool &val)
 Converts a boolean to a string.
template<typename T, typename U>
std::tuple< T, U > pairToTuple (const std::pair< T, U > &pair)
 Converts a pair to a tuple.
bool hasKey (const json &j, const std::string &key)
 Check if the given json object has the given key.
bool validateKey (const json &j, const std::string &key, const val_t &type)
 Check if the given json object has the given key with the given type.
bool validateKey (const json &j, const std::string &key, const std::unordered_set< val_t > &types)
 Check if the given json object has the given key, with a type in the given set of types.
bool validateOneOf (const json &j, const std::string &key, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &vals)
 Check if the value in the given json object at the given key is a string in the given set of allowed values.
bool validateRange (const json &j, const std::string &key, double min, double max)
 Check if the value in the given json object at the given key is a floating-point number between min and max, inclusive.
Eigen::MatrixXd numericalJacobian (const std::function< Eigen::VectorXd(const Eigen::VectorXd &)> &func, const Eigen::VectorXd &x, int outputDim)
 Estimate the jacobian of a multivariate function using finite differences.
long getNormalSeed ()
 Get the random seed used for util::stdn().
double stdn (int thread_id)
 Sample from the standard normal distribution.
uint64_t getUnixTime ()
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
double durationToSec (std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > dur)
 Convert a duration to seconds, as a double.
double quatToHeading (double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz)
 Extract the heading from a quaternion.
double quatToHeading (const Eigen::Quaterniond &quat)
 Extract the heading from a quaternion.
Eigen::Quaterniond eulerAnglesToQuat (const navtypes::eulerangles_t &rpy)
 Convert euler angles to a quaternion representation.
points_t transformReadings (const navtypes::points_t &ps, const navtypes::transform_t &tf)
 Convert a set of points to a different reference frame.
trajectory_t transformTraj (const navtypes::trajectory_t &traj, const navtypes::transform_t &tf)
 Convert a trajectory to a different reference frame.
bool collides (const navtypes::transform_t &tf, const navtypes::points_t &lms, double radius)
 Check for intersection between a pose and a point cloud.
transform_t toTransformRotateFirst (double x, double y, double theta)
 Creates a rigid transform that takes a point from the map-frame to a frame that was rotated CCW by theta and shifted (x,y) along the new axes.
double closestHeading (double theta, double prev_theta)
 Get an equivalent heading that is within π radians of another heading.
pose_t toPose (const navtypes::transform_t &trf, double prev_theta)
 Given a transform, gives a robot pose that would have that transform.
transform_t toTransform (const navtypes::pose_t &pose)
 Convert a pose to a rigid transform.
std::string to_string (robot::types::jointid_t joint)
std::string to_string (const robot::types::CameraID &id)
std::string to_string (robot::types::mountedperipheral_t peripheral)


constexpr double epsilon = 1e-5
 A small positive value, near zero.

Detailed Description

A collection of utility functions and classes with common use-cases.

Function Documentation

◆ almostEqual()

bool util::almostEqual ( double a,
double b,
double threshold = 1e-6 )

Check if two numbers are approximately equal.

aThe first number.
bThe second number.
thresholdIf |a-b|≥threshold then they are not approximately equal.
true iff |a-b|<threshold.

◆ closestHeading()

double util::closestHeading ( double theta,
double prev_theta )

Get an equivalent heading that is within π radians of another heading.

thetaThe heading to get the equivalent heading for.
prev_thetaThe heading that the returned heading is in the neighborhood of.
A heading equivalent to theta that is within π radians of prev_theta.

◆ collides()

bool util::collides ( const navtypes::transform_t & tf,
const navtypes::points_t & lms,
double radius )

Check for intersection between a pose and a point cloud.

Checks if any point of lms is within radius distance of the robot.

tfThe robot transform.
lmsThe points to check against for intersection.
radiusThe minimum distance from the robot to a point to not count as an intersection.
If any point of lms is within radius distance of the robot.

◆ durationToSec()

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
double util::durationToSec ( std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > dur)

Convert a duration to seconds, as a double.

Template Parameters
RepThe rep of the duration.
PeriodThe period of the duration.
durThe duration to convert.
double The length of the duration, in seconds.

◆ eulerAnglesToQuat()

Eigen::Quaterniond util::eulerAnglesToQuat ( const navtypes::eulerangles_t & rpy)

Convert euler angles to a quaternion representation.

rpyThe euler angles to convert.
Eigen::Quaterniond The same orientation represented as a quaternion.

◆ getNormalSeed()

long util::getNormalSeed ( )

Get the random seed used for util::stdn().

The random seed.

◆ keySet()

template<typename K, typename V>
std::unordered_set< K > util::keySet ( const std::unordered_map< K, V > & input)

Get the keys of the given map.

Anunordered map.
The keys of the given map, as an unordered set.

◆ numericalJacobian()

Eigen::MatrixXd util::numericalJacobian ( const std::function< Eigen::VectorXd(const Eigen::VectorXd &)> & func,
const Eigen::VectorXd & x,
int outputDim )

Estimate the jacobian of a multivariate function using finite differences.

funcThe function to estimate the jacobian of.
xThe point around which to calculate the jacobian.
outputDimThe dimension of the output space of func.
Eigen::MatrixXd An n-by-m matrix where n is the output dimension and m is the input dimension of func.

◆ pairToTuple()

template<typename T, typename U>
std::tuple< T, U > util::pairToTuple ( const std::pair< T, U > & pair)

Converts a pair to a tuple.

Elements are copied to the returned tuple.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the first element.
UThe type of the second element.
pairThe pair to convert to a tuple.
std::tuple<T, U> The converted tuple.

◆ quatToHeading() [1/2]

double util::quatToHeading ( const Eigen::Quaterniond & quat)

Extract the heading from a quaternion.

Given a quaternion defined by out coordinate system, extract the CCW heading, in radians.

quatThe quaternion to extract the heading from. This does not need to be normalized.
double The CCW heading, in radians.

◆ quatToHeading() [2/2]

double util::quatToHeading ( double qw,
double qx,
double qy,
double qz )

Extract the heading from a quaternion.

Given a quaternion defined by out coordinate system, extract the CCW heading, in radians.

qwThe w component of the quaternion.
qxThe x component of the quaternion.
qyThe y component of the quaternion.
qzThe z component of the quaternion.
double The CCW heading, in radians.

◆ stdn()

double util::stdn ( int thread_id)

Sample from the standard normal distribution.

The thread_id is used to choose which random number generator to use. This is important when trying to rerun a particular random seed; each thread needs its own dedicated sequence of random numbers.

thread_idEither 0 or 1, denoting which random number generator use.

◆ to_string()

template<typename T>
std::string util::to_string ( const T & val)

Convert the given value to a string.

This method is necessary because we cannot extend the std namespace; having our own method allows us to extend it with template specializations whenever we want, and have it "fall back" to using the std version when no specialization is available.

valThe value to convert to string.
Template Parameters
Thetype of the value to convert to string.
A string representation of that value, as a std::string. The exact representation of the value is up to the implementation.

◆ to_string< bool >() [1/2]

std::string util::to_string< bool > ( const bool & val)

Converts a boolean to a string.

valThe value to get the string representation of.
"true" iff val, otherwise "false".

◆ to_string< bool >() [2/2]

std::string util::to_string< bool > ( const bool & val)

Converts a boolean to a string.

valThe value to get the string representation of.
"true" iff val, otherwise "false".

◆ toPose()

navtypes::pose_t util::toPose ( const navtypes::transform_t & trf,
double prev_theta )

Given a transform, gives a robot pose that would have that transform.

That is, the x,y location and angle theta of the robot such that left-multiplying a map-frame coordinate by trf will give you the robot-frame coordinate.

trfThe rigid transform representing a robot position. This transform would take points from the map frame to the robot frame.
prev_thetaSince heading is modular, the returned heading value will be chosen to be within 2π radians of this parameter.
The robot pose.
THIS IS AN INVERSE OF util::toTransform, NOT util::toTransformRotateFirst. The parameters of the latter are not a robot pose (rotation and translation operations do not commute).

◆ toTransform()

navtypes::transform_t util::toTransform ( const navtypes::pose_t & pose)

Convert a pose to a rigid transform.

Calculate the rigid transform associated with the given pose. This rigid transform takes points from the global frame to the robot frame.

poseThe current robot pose.
navtypes::transform_t The rigid transform denoting the pose of the robot.

◆ toTransformRotateFirst()

navtypes::transform_t util::toTransformRotateFirst ( double x,
double y,
double theta )

Creates a rigid transform that takes a point from the map-frame to a frame that was rotated CCW by theta and shifted (x,y) along the new axes.

This can also be viewed as rotating a map-frame point CW by theta and then shifting by (-x,-y) along the map axes.

xThe x-coordinate in map-space of the origin of the new frame.
yThe y-coordinate in map-space of the origin of the new frame.
thetaThe CCW angle between the new frame and the old frame.
A rigid transform that changes frames as described.

◆ transformReadings()

navtypes::points_t util::transformReadings ( const navtypes::points_t & ps,
const navtypes::transform_t & tf )

Convert a set of points to a different reference frame.

Applies tf^-1 to every element of ps and returns the transformed points.

psThe points to convert between reference frames.
tfThe transform whose inverse will be applied to the points.
Points such that the the i-th point is equivalent to tf^-1*ps[i].
The inverse of the given transform is applied to every point, not the transform itself.

◆ transformTraj()

navtypes::trajectory_t util::transformTraj ( const navtypes::trajectory_t & traj,
const navtypes::transform_t & tf )

Convert a trajectory to a different reference frame.

Applies tf on the right for every element of traj and returns the transformed trajectory.

trajThe trajectory to transform.
tfThe transform to apply on the right to every element of traj.
The transformed trajectory, such that the i-th element is traj[i]*tf.