Resurgence (PY2022)
Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
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net::mc::MissionControlProtocol Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for net::mc::MissionControlProtocol:
Collaboration diagram for net::mc::MissionControlProtocol:

Public Member Functions

 MissionControlProtocol (SingleClientWSServer &server)
 MissionControlProtocol (const MissionControlProtocol &other)=delete
MissionControlProtocoloperator= (const MissionControlProtocol &other)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from net::websocket::WebSocketProtocol
 WebSocketProtocol (const std::string &protocolPath)
 Construct a new WebSocket protocol.
bool addMessageHandler (const std::string &messageType, const msghandler_t &callback)
 Add a message handler for the given message type, if no handler already exists.
bool addMessageHandler (const std::string &messageType, const msghandler_t &callback, const validator_t &validator)
 Add a message handler for the given message type, if no handler already exists.
bool removeMessageHandler (const std::string &messageType)
 Remove the message handler for the given message type, if it exists.
bool hasMessageHandler (const std::string &messageType) const
 Check if the given message type has an associated message handler.
void addConnectionHandler (const connhandler_t &handler)
void addDisconnectionHandler (const connhandler_t &handler)
void setHeartbeatTimedOutHandler (std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, const heartbeattimeouthandler_t &handler)
 Set the handler that's called when the heartbeat times out.
std::string getProtocolPath () const
 Get the protocol path of the endpoint this protocol is served on.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: